Home > ArticlesThe 4 MOST Important Words In Business Success
There is a secret to success in marketing and business and that success in contained in just 4 words... YOU GET BENEFIT NOW! They are the Philosopher's Stone delivering one sale after another... and profit even in the worst of times. YOU! One of the worst mistakes you can make in business is to create marketing communications that speak to no one in particular. WRONG! Successful marketing is about talking to and never deviating from a focus on the EXACT person you are determined to motivate. KNOW THY CUSTOMER... and ALWAYS speak directly to her. For example, if you were selling any gizmo your ad copy should NEVER begin with the name of your business. That's about YOU. Instead it should focus on the person who has the ability to make or break you: the all-important customer! Have you considered the person you are speaking to? Have you visualized this person? Is he in your mind as you create EVERY marketing communication? If you write marketing communications -- ANY marketing communications -- that focus on YOU, you will squander the opportunity to motivate action from "you, the customer." That is fatal. GET The whole of business is about a transfer of assets... about the person who offers and the person who accepts that offer. Successful marketers remind themselves, over and over again, every single day that their success is completely centered on what the customer gets, NEVER on what you, the business owner, get. Thus, when you sit down to create an offer you need to remind yourself: I can only be successful to the extent that my customer is heaped high with "you gets". Visualize this process as an ice-cream cone. See yourself building an offer by adding one scoop after another. The more you add, the faster you can induce customer action... so add liberally. BENEFIT And just what are you adding? BENEFITS! The average business owner is so immersed in the mundane and prosaic details of running her business (what, another form from the government to complete!) that she loses sight of the purpose of it all: improving the life of your customer. What does a customer want? Benefits! Why does the customer come to you? To get those benefits! Why does the customer give you her hard- earned money? Because you have made the strongest case that YOU have the benefits to confer! Do you have a benefit file for EVERYTHING you want to sell? Probably not. You probably know what's in this thing... but have probably never systematically written down just what the customer gets from you when he uses it. MISTAKE! Take the time to brain storm each and every benefit your customer gets. You get........this. And you get........ this. You also get this. Get the picture? Benefits motivate. More benefits motivate faster. NOW! There is only one time in marketing... and that time is NOW! There is no past... there is no future. There is only this particular moment! Your TOTAL focus must be on motivating the prospect to act NOW. Have you offered enough to make this happen? When you make an offer you know. Either people are leaping to get it... or they are not. Bad offers NEVER get better over time, unlike a fine wine. Either they work AT ONCE... or they NEVER work. Your job is to experiment with your offers so that they generate response after immediate response! Last Words Serious about business success? Want as much as possible? Then start out EVERY day by reciting the "You get benefit now" mantra. The more it becomes part of the fiber of your business life, the more successful you will become. Guaranteed. © Jeffrey Lant, All rights reserved. Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., www.worldprofit.com where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! For details on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books, go to www.jeffreylant.com Submitted on July 14, 2010 |