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As a Spiritual Entrepreneur...and a network marketer... Several years ago when I first started my own business in network marketing and affiliate marketing, I thought the biggest benefit would be the money - so that I could work at home and not go back into the corporate world where I had worked as a paralegal for 20 years. I was right about that AND I was wrong! I was right because I did benefit from the money and I have created a full time income from home and actually replaced my husband's income, and I have not gone back to the corporate world, for which I am very grateful. However, I was wrong in that the biggest benefit to me has actually been the personal relationships and the personal development. I have truly become a Spiritual Entrepreneur, allowing Law of Attraction and spiritual principles to attract others who are interested in the products and services I offer. One important thing I have learned is that what I am doing is not for everyone... and it took me several years to figure that out. Not everyone is going to be interested in what I'm doing - and that is perfect. I am no longer in the convincing business. Now I go about my business day with the intention to attract only those who are already interested in my products and services. Now, instead of trying to talk anyone into liking what I am doing, I am just looking for those people who ARE already interested. You can do this too - and I promise it is great! Before we can attract the people who are looking for us, we need to decide what type of person we are attracting. What are the characteristics of the people that we want to work with? Are they motivated, qualified, honest, of integrity? Write down on a piece of paper the qualities of your perfect new customers and business partners. Keep that list by your phone and by your computer. Every time you pick up the phone or send an email or place an ad or mail a flyer, you are intending that the people with the qualities you have listed are going to respond to you. For example, when you make a phone call, have the intention that ONLY those people who are interested will pick up the phone. You don't really want to talk to people who are not interested, right? Then state this intention. write this down. "It is my Intention to easily and automatically attract to me people who are interested in my products and services, who are motivated and qualified and ready to take action - and who are willing to set forth the effort to create success." Start your day with 10 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever you feel you have ... for personal development. Spend time reading or listening to something inspirational. When we begin with our own personal development, and we set our intentions to attract people who are already looking for what we have to offer, the results are purely magical! Remember... Marketing is simply getting yourself in front of as many people as possible in as many creative ways as possible so that those people who are looking for what you have to offer can find you. Notice I said you are looking for people who are already looking for you? Instead of spending your day convincing people, how about you spend your day finding more creative ways to get yourself in front of the people who are already interested. How does that feel? Many blessings for your prosperity and well being. © Scott VanHoogstraat, All rights reserved. Scott VanHoogstraat, COO of vanPALOS Marketing Group, LLC About Me Work At Home Online Automated Income Streams Drink Your Vitamins, Get Paid Today Submitted on April 3, 2010 |