Home > ArticlesBlogging and RSS
I have discovered that having a blog for whatever market I am into or making money from, is a sweet way to Advertise and gain traffic to my website(s) Even if your not good at writting, it doesn't matter. There is nothing stopping you when it comes to blogging. It's just to easy. Then there is RSS, this comes with your blog. All you do is turn it on, and when you publish your blog it's picked up throughout the net. Changing your content, linking to other sites, with your blogs changing content daily even gets the search engines involved. They will spider your blog, and the more useful content, and links involved the better. It will raise your site(s) in the search engines. I have two blog sites I have just started. These are Fr**. The urls to these are below. Another thing that will help is adding Google Adsense to your blog, and to make a little extra while your at it. My Best, Mary Mortimer © Mary Mortimer. All rights reserved. http://mary146.blogspot.com http://safelists.com/?u=Maryuh123 http://www.safelists.com/blogs/?u=Maryuh123 Resourses: Jack Humphreys: Traffic Report. Corey Rudl: IMC - http://www.marketingtips.com/t.cgi/827269 Staying Healthy_Staying Home_Making Money And So Can You: More Info Here: http://frutavida4u.com/marys/ Submitted on 06/18/2005 |