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Finding a great online income producing business is not as hard as one might think. The important thing is to track your traffic. You need to know where it came from and where it is going. This information is critical to increasing the sales of your online business. Knowing the answers to some very fundamental questions can dramatically increase your ROI (Return On Investment). There are several tracking sources available. Some free, of course "free" probably means they get some "free" advertising from your site. But free is still a good exchange. They tend to offer great tracking scripts and your ROI is bound to increase due to the relationship. A simple "hits" counter is very basic and misleading. Probably the most important statistics are "page views/visitors". They give two important indications... How many people visit your site and how long they are staying. If you have 130 visitors and 144 "views", then your visitors are basically reading the first page then leaving. This is an indication that you should update your site's content. You want your visitors to read at least two pages and the longer they stay the better your chance of making a sale. A unique visitor is someone whom has never visited your site before and your tracker will list them as "unique". Should they leave and return at a later date the tracker will not list them as "unique". Page views can be divided by the amount of visitors and it will tell you how interesting your visitors find your site to be. Obviously if they are viewing just one page your site is failing to hold their attention. Tracking your sales is also important. Everyone should keep clear record of all costs and income involving their online business. Tracking your advertisements will guide you to smarter investments. If one ad is obviously out performing another, you may wish to increase your use of the stronger one, and possibly make changes to the weaker ad. A common practice known as split-testing your ads will help you identify the best use of your advertising dollar. Where you either use identical ads sent to different ad sources to see which performs better, or two slightly different ads sent to the same source to discover the better ad. Again, tracking is mandatory to learn where your best investment will get the best ROI. And, split-testing, with "tracking", is a great way to identify which way to go. The tracking programs can offer so much information. Likely more than you will ever use. But to have the information available is the real key. Once you start tracking on every facet of your business, that is when your business will really start to take off. Because you "Create Income" you can track. The better online businesses will either have tracking built in, or will show you step-by-step how to install the tracking. This is one of the things I look for in a good online business. Not to mention as many built-in automated functions as possible. And, I would definitely suggest that everyone look for businesses online with these features. © Daniel Ambrose, All rights reserved. "Create Income" you can Track was written by: Daniel Ambrose Subscribe to my Home Business Tips Newsletter for FREE today ($147.00 value!) and start "Creating Income Online". Submitted on March 12, 2009 |