Home > ArticlesDefining the Traffic Exchange Industry
I was attempting to explain what a Traffic Exchange is to one of my colleagues the other day because we were talking about books. I told him that I had recently written an audio e-book about the Traffic Exchange Industry. Of course he said "what's that?" Whammo, just like that I had his interest and was preparing to educate a new convert. My associates who is a smart guy informed me that Traffic Exchange does not exist in the dictionary, that point got me thinking. After our conversation and my webucation of a new Traffic Exchange advocate I cracked open my trusty Websters dictionary, I also did a search online of course. Do you know what I found out? He was right. The closest thing to Traffic Exchange in the dictionary online or off was "traffic engineering" which is not really close to what we are talking about. How can an industry exist when it is not even defined? No matter if you are a Traffic Exchange enthusiast, owner or just an occasional exchanger (surfer). I plea to you to get behind me in defining what we do. Here is my proposed definition of Traffic Exchange: a medium of exchanging a website view on the internet with some one else. Also, here is my proposed definition of Traffic Exchange Industry: the business of exchanging website views online from one person to another. Copyright © 2005 Mark Brown About the author: Mark Brown is the most controversial author in the Traffic Exchange Industry who wrote the audio e-book Exchange Secrets Revealed. Submitted on 06/19/2005 |