Home > ArticlesDownline Builders Do they work?
This article explores the viability of using downline builders to increase your marketing capacity. The question is do downline builders work? My premise is yes they do work, and I'll explain why. One of the great ways to build referrals in other traffic exchanges and programs is through the use of downline builders. A downline builder really advertises multiple programs with one website and as people signup with the downline builder they are placed under you in all the programs they join. The great thing about downline builders is that you can focus on promoting the downline builder and watch your referrals grow. The key to using downline builders is to limit promoting individual opportunities and put at least 25% to 75% of your marketing efforts in promoting the downline builder. Many of the downline builders will promote programs like traffic exchanges, email list builders, and other various traffic generating tools. The real key here is the efficiency behind the downline builder compared to promoting individual websites. So for instance say I want to get additional referrals in a traffic exchange and I spend money promoting it; why not promote the downline builder because when people join they will typically signup for more than one program that they are not a member of and you will multiply your efforts maybe getting 5 or 10 referrals instead of just one. I recently joined a downline builder called Vital Viral, which was a very good decision. In the first 2 months of promoting Vital Viral I signed up 60 direct referrals and have 281 in my downline. The way Vital Viral works is that you enter your userids for the various programs, and join those that you are not already a member. Most of these programs that you join are traffic exchanges, but there are others like YourLuckyList, ListJoe, InstantBuzz, etc. that fit in the non traffic exchange category. The whole idea is to use at least a portion of your marketing to promote the Vital Viral downline builder. I personally think it is worth it because what you are doing is adding to your marketing capacity before trying to promote your money making opportunities. There are dozens of downline builders on the internet, and you will find them with nearly every traffic exchange, but some are more effective than others. I spent some time in this article talking about Vital Viral because they have a completely free program and customized splash pages that result in people signing up, and if you are going to promote a downline builder you want one that is effective. One of the tough parts about marketing on the internet is that we all want to make money as quickly as possible, but the truth is that when we promote our money making opportunities without first establishing a firm foundation of lots of traffic we become discouraged, and many of us just quit. Downline builders are one of those foundational building blocks that set the stage for later success. © 2008 Joe Sacco. All Rights Reserved. Best of Luck! For more information check out Online Business Resources Your source for internet marketing and business opportunities Submitted on March 22, 2008 |