Home > ArticlesThe Difference Between "Free" Exchanges
Sometimes I forget how far I've come along from where I started in February. I've surfed so much that I kinda skip over the basic stuff too often. Even in my email training series, I realized I was assuming that everyone already know how to surf and use firefox etc. Tonight I added my own "Best Free Exchanges" list on my website. As someone who has used over 50 different exchanges, I do have a clue about how to best spend my time. But it certainly did take me awhile to figure it out :) Yes, technically all exchanges are free - But there is a MASSIVE difference in the amount of time you have to spend at most traffic exchanges. The most basic example I always give is Hit2Hit - Outstanding traffic exchange. Tons of members, easy to surf, always highly ranked. But for those who are just starting, they may not realize that Hit2Hit is a 3:1 surf ratio. What that means is that if you don't buy an upgraded membership, you have to surf 3 sites to get 1 hit on yours. In my opinion, this is not how you should spend your time. Now, if your willing to spend some money (like I do), then it's a great exchange. This goes for MANY Traffic Exchanges - There are tons of them - and the bottom line for surfers is that, well, it sucks (lets be honest). We need traffic to our sites. When I say traffic, I mean TONS of traffic. I used to think getting 30 hits a day was good - It's nothing - You have to get hundreds of hits each day. You have to get thousands of hits per month if you REALLY want to get any type of results. So when I list my best free exchanges, it's based on them actually being good if you do not want to spend any money. Of course the short 5 list is kinda short - Great "free" exchanges are few and far between these days. But if you want to stay free, while still getting the best results possible for your time, then I have a pretty good list of Exchanges that are worth your time. For me, these are the best free exchanges I've found online. They give regular bonuses, quick surf timers and fair surf ratios. 5 Exchanges is actually a pretty decent number of exchanges to work with. Learn to use Firefox and surf them all at the same time (different windows - tabbed browsing) and you'll be fine. One program I started had me join 50 different exchanges. They recommended I surf 3 hours/night! For me, that is a ridiculous amount of time to spend surfing. It is MUCH BETTER if you focus your time & energy on 4 or 5 GOOD exchanges, versus spreading yourself out all over getting a few hits here and there, trying to manage 20 different "free" exchanges. Bottom line is this - Unless you get some results, your going to get frustrated and most likely quit. If you spend your time wisely, you will start to get results. Focus on the best free exchanges and move up when your ready. To YOUR Success, Paul I run http://www.AffiliateCurve.com - Real resources for beginners starting out in affiliate marketing © Paul Burnette, All rights reserved. Submitted on Nov 24, 2008 |