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Funneling: Advertising for Customers and Profits part 1 This process works just like a normal funnel — wide to narrow as it goes. Why is it popular-simple-ease of use. The draw=entice a potential customer. Remember this when choosing your draw item. Make your choice according to "what will the customer want?" A newsletter on hot fishing spots for example. Give a free trial — customers like free, you show your knowledge, give a good product, and customer may then consider subscribing for the paid version. After enticing, get customers to stay. How? Give the customer what they want: Knowledgable, friendly service with an honest company. Nobody chooses to do business with a shady business. Funneling: Advertising for Customers and Profits part 2 Part 1 discussed enticing new customers. Part 2 will show how to keep them returning. Honesty — Never promise more than you can deliver; people feel cheated. Ex.-If you think shipping will take 7-10 days advertise 10-14 days. Knowledge — Know your product. Make sure you can offer tips and advice, or reviews. "I used" is better than "I've heard" any day. Customer Service — The best product won't matter if you don't have good service policies. Long-term — A lifetime customer is worth more than 1,000 one-time sales. The lifetime customer will make additional purchases, and give you free advertising by telling others — more customers! Funneling: Advertising for Customers and Profits part 3 Part 3: Funneling Sales Guess what? Most of this process is already done. By finding new customers and providing them with what they want, you are building a steady customer base. Repeat customers will supply you with more sales and word-of-mouth advertising (the best advertising) better than any single sale ever could. As the customer base grows, your sales grow. Sales mean profits. Give a customer a good product at a good price with an honest company, and you will have customers returning as well as your business growing. Customers are suspicious — and rightly so — unscrupulous marketers also use this practice. These business owners draw people in, take their money, and give practically nothing in return — or keep the customer having to buy more expensive products. So make sure to be honest with your customers — if they think you lied, they will turn away (and give you bad publicity). A tip to remember in advertising: Good travels fast — Bad travels like wildfire. © Sandy, All rights reserved. Submitted on Feb 3, 2009 |