Home > ArticlesHome Based Businesses,What's It Take To Start One Up
Thinking about starting up your own business at home? Given any thought about what that will take? There are a great many things that should be taken into consideration prior to taking on that responsibility. And yes, I did say "responsibility". Starting off, you should to understand some things. It will take determination and drive to achieve success. You will require a dedicated space, have a daily work plan, have a "business product" or a "service" that you will be marketing, and have the money and the determination to get it off and running. Let's begin with the "work space". Is there an area of your home, garage, basement, loft, you will be using for this business in which you can not be interrupted and alone regularly? Family, most usually children, see that you are home and it must be time to play. Many others, such as your wife, neighbors, family take it for granted you are home and must be "available" just cause you are there. You are saying, "No, that's not going to happen". Perhaps it won't, but it can present bigger problems than you can think of at the moment. Everyone needs to see what your goals are in order for this to work.. It will require a quiet "space" that is accommodating to you and suits what you actually are doing. Whatever you will be doing, have the space to do it in and do it comfortably within reason. You will be putting in a lot of time there, so make it comfy! This space should have adequate lighting, be adequately supplied, and if possible it should be off by itself as much as can be done. Remember, you are at work! Then comes that work plan. Sure, you are the one in charge now. But you know what? The work still has to get done and now ONLY YOU are finishing the work! So if you are getting up later, taking TV or coffee breaks, all work stops. That is right - CEASED! Remember, YOU are it. Now you must define the length of the day,when you begin,and when to quit. You must do these things or you won't be in business very long. Sure there will be days you need work longer or less, just as in the job you have now. There will always be limits, but now YOU are setting those on yourself! Now we come to the service or product your business is promoting. You can be selling something that you have or have made yourself, or promoting someone else's item. That makes no difference whatsoever. There is most certainly an abundance of products to sell here in the web. Marketing a service such as training programs, video's on "How TO" or whatever. Then as I mentioned before, money and time. Does anyone out there have money any more? Most of us would have to answer "No" to that. What do you do then? Well, if you already have a job so you could begin "part time". You take your plan, set aside the time when you can do all we have discussed already, and get to work! This will take pure grit and determination, but you can do it! There will be times you want to quit, but that is when you really need to plow forward and keep it going. This is why so many people work for someone else! This won't be easy... All this is going to take what is most of us are not willing to part with - TIME. Sure, we all want to own a business and we all want to be the boss. Most of us want the bulk of the money being made. Are you ready to give most of yourself to accomplish having your own business, are you really? Many more things can be said here, but they are not nearly as important as these. However, I have personally started four "normal" businesses throughout my life (I am currently retired) and am now conducting business here on the Internet. I, and many others, can help via articles and e-Books and personal contact. Right now I will give you an e-Book if you will sign up so I can mail it to you. Just go to the link, find the e-Book listed as "Highly Effective Articles" and I will send it right away to you. Here is wishing you much success in your future endeavors! © Chuck Baird, All rights reserved. Chuck's site is at C & S Enterprises. Submitted on March 18, 2010 |