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How do you get your traffic to your website? The easiest way is to grow your own list. Websites that are dedicated to this, help the new marketer get a firm start in their home business promotion. Even the long time marketers have come to realize that the list makes sense in marketing their opportunity or promotion. When you have a list it is so much easier to send out information or invites to your amazing promotion material. Your list makes your marketing so much more productive through the familiarity of yourself. When you are promoting you will need people to know you as a person or expert in your field of expertise. Build your name and people can find you in a Google search. Building trust comes from marketing yourself. People need to know and trust you to feel comfortable working with you. Building the trust comes with time and when you give them ways to promote and help they will remember that you gave them a helping hand. When you have a list you don't just start sending your opportunities to them they need to hear from you. They will come to understand your mindset and values as another human being not just a name without a face on the computer screen. Home business promotion is something that is learned over time. Trusting the people that you work with is part of your time spent on line. Get the job done more efficiently with the knowledge you learn from people that have been on line for some time. We have all seen the ads that tell us how important the list is, some take longer to see the light. © Diana Rickett, All rights reserved. D & G Home Business Partners http://www.dgpartners.ws/freetraffic http://homedecorationsusa.blogspot.com/ Submitted on Feb 7, 2009 |