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Statistically, over 95% of people who join network marketing fail and never make their initial investments back. If that's the case, then why are new MLM companies springing up all over the place. In my opinion,it's because most people are believers. But belief in network marketing, in and of itself is not enough to succeed. Network marketing is counter intuitive. Quite often, the things you think would logically get you to the top, leave you frustrated and no where closer to your goals than when you started. Sound Familiar? You have to think outside the box and be a student of human nature. Below are a few examples. Selling vs. Attracting. Don't try to sell or convince people to join your business. They won't join and will most likely avoid you. It's just human nature, the harder you chase someone the faster they will run away from you. We all want what we can't have. Attract prospects with a combination of Confidence, Knowledge and Experience. People won't join your team, unless they believe in your leadership capabilities. Most people are not leaders. They are followers and won't follow you unless you demonstrate you have what it takes to lead. Network marketing doesn't work vs. You have to work to succeed in Network Marketing. From what I've seen, the majority of people fail in MLM because they are joiners, not workers. Success requires, planning, determination and hard work. Too many people join, do nothing, expect miracles and complain when they don't become instantly rich. It's amazing, the harder you work, the more things just seem to fall into place for you, In short, your network marketing success ultimately depends on you. You can't just join a company, do nothing and expect to become rich. Changing MLM companies frequently vs. Staying with one company I call this the "Grass is always greener" approach to network marketing. Many people fail because they jump from opportunity to opportunity, always chasing the brass ring. Much like the old tortoise and hare analogy, "slow and steady wins the race". You have to be patient. People want to make money right away. In network marketing, just like other businesses, you typically lose money at first. You have to stick with it and build your business. I've heard it said many times that network marketing is a "3 to 5 year plan." You have to be patient and put the work in. Fear of Rejection vs. Overcoming rejection Many people will do anything to avoid pain or rejection. Once again, it's human nature. Most people are too comfortable to try new things. Others, can't handle the rejection of the dreaded "No." Typically, people would rather suffer in the painful situation that they are in, rather than take a chance to try something new. In network marketing to give yourself the best chance to succeed, you have to be willing to step outside of your zone of comfort. Technology is always changing, you need to keep up to date in order to give yourself the best chance to succeed. Being a wallflower may be cute at a seventh grade dance, but it won't get you to the top of your MLM's compensation plan. The technology is changing so fast that people are suffering from information overload. You need to choose wisely what you are going to study and stick too it and implement it. Don't just buy one product after another. They don't work if they are just sitting on your shelf. In order to be successful in MLM, you have to constantly be learning. New Methods arise and you must be ready to implement them. The more knowledge you have regarding your opportunity the easier it is to talk to prospects. Don't worry about being told no. Your life will become so much more enjoyable when you quit looking for Yes or No's. You should adopt the attitude that you don't care what the answer is, your just collecting decisions. Viewing prospecting this way will change your life. You'll look forward to talking to people. And you'll have better results when you exude confidence when talking with prospects. In summary. This is the real world. There are no guarantees. You don't get the blue ribbon, or retire early just because you pay the entry fee and join a MLM company. Having said that, amazing things are possible. However: you must take consistent action; be confident; work to improve yourself; follow the lead of those who have gone before you; set your goals; work together with your team mates; and overcome your fear of rejection. Think outside the box, give it everything you've got and by all means have fun. © John Robberson, All rights reserved. John Robberson is an Experienced Marketer who enjoys sharing his knowledge with his team members. Because after all their success is your success. To find out what he's up to now, click on the following links: http://www.BestHomeBusinessSolutions.com http://www.VacationSolutionsOnline.com http://www.TheMLMSuccessSystem.com Submitted on April 1, 2010 |