Home > ArticlesHow to properly evaluate a Paid-To-SignUp (PTSU) offer
A Paid-To-Signup or sometimes called Guaranteed Signup offers are a great way to build downlines. If your a customer, an advertiser or the advertising agency then how well the signup program works will make a huge difference on your bottom line. Lets look at the players. The customer is the person that has decided to signup for the offer that is advertised. The advertiser is the person that is building a downline to help their business grow. The advertising agency is a site and process managed to bring the customer and advertiser together. The advertising agency handles the exchange of funds between the advertiser and the customer. The two most signicant attributes of these programs are the incentive(s) for the customer and the cost to the advertiser. However, whether you are the customer or the advertiser you need to analyze the complete program before you can make an informed decision. Here are some items that you need to consider.
1. Cost The cost issue impacts 2 players. The advertiser and the advertising agency. As an advertiser you are drawn to the lowest price available. But that could be your biggest mistake. Ask, why is this priced so low? Is it because the advertising agency just wants your money? How much work will the advertising agency do to help you reach the best customers? For the advertising agency it is extremely difficult to compete when advertisers demand the lowest price possible. Advertising agencies must price their service high enough to cover their total cost. Not only do they have to account for the incentive payment passed to the customer but they have to account for their service costs. The time required to manage payments, verification, advertisement review, and more. 2. Incentive The incentive is the amount of money the customer will get for completing the signup offer. In fact the incentive does not have to be just financial. It can take many forms but most system are design for cash being added to a member account. Some programs have much more flexibility so they are not restricted by inflexible scripts used by the advertising agency. Pay attention to this because it may be your most important deciding factor for both the customer and the advertiser. 3. Verification How often have you used a PTSU option and just get frustrated with the whole process. too often I best. In fact some members have been suspended or even accused of cheating all because the verfication process does not work. The problem with many existing sites using the same old coding technology is that the featured was design for the site owner and not the customer or the advertiser. If an advertising agency cannot design a manual verfication process then they are not going to be successful in automating something that does not work. So make sure you completely understand who does what and when. Do not get caught in a trap where the advertising agency says ..that's how the program works and you rejected 10 times so your account needs to be suspend. The advertising agency is paid to deliver a fair and honest verification process so do not accept anything less than high quality. 4. Marketing & Advertising Okay your looking for an advertising agency to help you get signups but are you getting any advertising for your money. After all you are paying for advertising. In most PTSU sites you get a place to park a link, a few characters to describe what you are selling to the passing visitors. That's not really advertising but more like marketing. The visitor has to go see what is available so he goes to the market to see what is for sale. Does the advertising agency provide a way for potential buyers from the public to see the available signups? No, that is seldom the case. You have to have a membership before you even get to see what is available. Look for an advertising agency that works with you and helps promote the available signups. The advertising agency job is to drive customers to your site and help them consume what you have to offer. 5. Communication How well you understand a Paid-To-Signup program is entirely dependant on communication. Today I see many PTSU programs that do a horrible job on communicating to the advertiser and the customer. You see the same text over and over that is written as if the site owner is just waiting for someone to screw-up. This standard text from a default program install is not what I call communication. Look for an advertising agency that adds value to the advertiser by providing all the necessary procedures, FAQ, forum discussion, etc. so the customer is not mislead. Expectations needs to be documented. Well written explanation on how the whole process works. Take your business to sites that provide such things as online chats, live support, help desk system and other means to help communicate the entire process. That way you will avoid a lot of frustrations and not wast your time and money. 6. Ease of Use How easy is it for you to create a PTSU offer? This is an area that has been neglected by many owners that offer PTSU advertising. For the most part it is because every owner is using the same script. Look for a site owner that invests their profits back into their site and you will soon notice new customization in this area. PTSU offers are an excellent way to build downlines but the advertising agencies have not invested a lot of money into new fuctionality. In my experience of using PTSU advertising in several popular sites I have concluded that all are inflexible. There is no ease of use. That may sound harsh but it is a fact and its time to make change to meet the demand. You can see for yourself on this forum what I had to do to better serve the customer. The future is in automation and don't be surprised if fjPTC is one of the first advertising agency to deliver on the huge demand for ease of use. I hope this article helps you in your quest to build your downline using PTSU programs In the meantime I provide to you my own version of this very effective form of advertising. For those who try my PTSU process I welcome your feedback. I have a project that will revolutionize the PTSU market. I need more people using my process so I can fast track my project and deliver a much better service for everyone. © Jack Arseneault, All rights reserved. Please take a look at the current Guaranteed Signup Offers available. I have also included a section where you can track PTSU offers that are not limited to fjPTC Try out the External Offer Tracking Process Submitted on November 16, 2009 |