Home > ArticlesHow To Market Successfully On The Internet
That title makes me sound like some online "guru" getting ready to hype you the next "big thing". Doesn't it? But that is not my intention at all. For one thing, we marketers are an opportunistic lot, we have to be. Marketing techniques change so fast, that what worked online yesterday, may be defunct today, so we must be able to change and adjust strategies as the need arises. So no, I don't have any big " Internet Marketing Secret, Program or E-book" to sell you! What I wish to talk about is the must have "soft skills" of marketing, to borrow a buzz phrase from the employment industry. Successful and sustainable marketing starts with 3 aims! You, the would be marketer must spend the time and effort to ensure that your audience, prospects and future customers/clients get to know, trust and like you. That takes time and this is where you will succeed when other technologically adept marketers will fail. Remember 2 things about marketing: You are creating and building relationships and "people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care". Free, useful and helpful information is still the number one reason that people come to the Internet and that will not be changing any time soon. So, decide what valuable information you would like to share and go do it in a blog, an article or a website. Put as much of your personality into your submission as possible. Let the reader get to know who you are then they will probably feel more comfortable sharing who they are with you. Who knows they may have a problem you can solve with one of your business products or service. Kaboom, you made a friend, become a valuable resource and hopefully a sale! When someone knows and like you, guess what? They also start to tust you, then they feel confident in recommending you to others and before you know it you have a growing customer base. Successful marketing, always! © Yvonne Finn, All rights reserved. Marketing on the Internet can be fun and effective and affordable all at the same time. Head over to this site that trains you daily with videos, live conferences, podcast and seminars. You will find every marketing tool that you will need here. http://constantcash.gogvo.com/marketing-tools.php Submitted on February 22, 2010 |