Home > ArticlesThe importance of good time management when building your online business
It is very important to make the most of the time you have available and through proper time management this can be achieved. Many of the principles of time management are common sense and about good organisation, but through this article I want to share my key tips for good time management. Firstly, you should produce a list of things you have to achieve on that particular day. These should be your absolute priorities. You should also allow a certain amount of time for responding to urgent requests. If nothing urgent happens then this time can be used to complete some of your lower priority tasks. Having a list and sticking to it will make you feel a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. You will also achieve more in one day as you will waste less time procrastinating over what to do next. Good time management is all about discipline and not allowing yourself to be distracted from the task at hand unless it is of absolute importance to respond to something immediately. It is all to easy to allow yourself to pick up a task you want to do rather than a task you have to do. This will only leave you worried about the task you did not complete and regretting the precious time you have wasted. Another common problem with time management is allowing home issues to enter your mind when you are working and vice versa. The best way to deal with this is to keep a list, so that if something pops into your head, like an errand you have to run, then you can write it down and feel comfortable that you will not forget about it and it need not distract you for the rest of your day. As most people run their internet businesses from home it is important to maintain the separation between work and home, so that you achieve more in your work and enjoy your home life more without feeling like you are neglecting home or your business. Finally, it is a good idea to have a weekly review of your progress to ensure you are still on track. Much can change during the week and what seemed like a priority at the beginning may no longer be important or even necessary. By reviewing every week you keep your list fresh and reduce the number of unnecessary tasks. This will help make your workload far more manageable. Good time management will help you do all of this and I hope my tips help you to increase your productivity, reduce your stress levels and achieve the success you deserve. © Greg De Tisi, All rights reserved. Success Coach My primary purpose has always been to help others, which is why I wanted to write this and also why I have become a success coach. To discover more about effective communication and personal development, feel free to take a look at my online business at http://www.berichbefree.biz Article Source: EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_De_Tisi Submitted on Feb 4, 2009 |