Home > ArticlesThe Importance of Building Downlines
Now that I have got your attention today I am going to really stress the importance of building your downlines in traffic exchanges which will build you a base within the internet marketing space online which will increase your leads and signups. Most people sign-up to traffic exchanges with one goal in mind which is to get traffic to their site/offer, this is great as manual traffic exchanges can deliver it. But just using a traffic exchange to get traffic without using any of the other tools they offer is almost like buying a car without ever looking under the hood before you buy it or during ownership. Manual traffic exchanges offer you many other tools to build your internet business, one of the most important tools they offer you is referral banners and links to grow your downlines! Downlines are super important as you can earn 10% credits each and everytime someone surfs under you 5 levels deep! And you can also earn cash on upgrades and purchases from people in your level one up to 55%. Let's take a look at the significance of building your downline: You sign up your Auntie Mary. Auntie Mary ends up in your level one downline so now you earn credits from her and her first 4 levels of her downline. Any time someone within her first four levels surfs you are earning up to 10% of their credits automatically! You refer one person once and you are getting free traffic for life based upon their activity through 4 levels. So you see while you were away on vacation Auntie Mary built a huge downline and now you are reeping the rewards of building your downline as you are getting free traffic daily! Increase Visibility through Leverage When you are surfing traffic exchanges you will notice that some brands and offers you will constantly see over and over and this is a reason why these companies and marketers have built their downlines and now they are getting great leverage and visibility across many traffic exchanges! This is a great reason to take advantage of the referral tools, splash pages, rotators, downline builder splash pages and other tools as they can help you build an empire of traffic. Implement a game plan which includes both surfing exchanges and promoting exchanges and you will notice your traffic increase which will result in more leads and signups! © Jesse Grant, All rights reserved. Need free Website traffic? Join http://TrafficReturn.com Free and watch your web traffic explode! Get traffic to your websites that returns and is quality. Our top traffic exchange will put money in your wallet! Submitted on October 31, 2011 |