Home > ArticlesInfopreneur, The New Age of Entrepreneurialism
Times are changing rapidly in this modern world, and the way we do business is changing also. The UK was built firmly on manufacturing, and since the Thatcher years the UK has grown through the service industry. During this time the Internet has been evolving and increasing its role as a major business tool. With TV shows like Dragons Den entrepreneurs have been springing up all over the place. Now with the power of the Internet there is a new type of entrepreneur. The term is infopreneur. 100's of 1000's of people all around the world are becoming infopreneurs. What is an infopreneur I hear you say? An infopreneur is someone who gives people valuable information on various subjects. 90 percent of people surfing the Internet are looking for information. I'm giving you valid information right now! The best way to give this valuable information to those who seek it is to build a website, an information website. This is what all the top infopreneurs like myself are doing right now. But I don't know anything? again I hear you say. Of course you do! If you have a hobby or a passion you can write about it, and build a website around you niche subject. You may enjoy a hobby or recreation but don't know enough about it yet, if your passionate about a given subject its easy and fun to learn more about it and build a website about it. My personal passion (after my family that is) is golf. I have built a golf information site. As mentioned earlier, the Internet is evolving all the time and there are thousands of resources online to help you get all the information you need, and help you build a website. Once I am happy with the volume of content pages on my current golf site, I will start to build another information website, and I don't even know the subject yet! It may be about music, rock music in particular. Now this is where the real fun part begins, remember the term is infopreneur. We don't want to give all this valuable information away for nothing! That's why we are infopreneurs, there are lots of ways you can monetize your site, Google Adsense is one way, put adverts on your pages and get paid for clicks, you can recommend products as an affiliate partner and earn commissions , you can offer services and lots more. Most people these days have a home computer, they just don't realise the money making potential they can get from it. You have heard the term "information is king" even in your current job, if you have the rellevant information you will always be one step ahead of your colleagues. The new age of infopreneurs is on the rise, you have loads of valuable information in your head, put it to good use, and monetize it. © Joe Krarup, All rights reserved. My name is Joe Krarup and I am an infopreneur, making money from my information websites to find out more about me, go to my about me page on my golf information site at www.passion-for-golf.com/about-me.html Submitted on Feb 3, 2009 |