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What is a list Builder? A tool used by Internet marketers to build a private list. What is the purpose of a list builder? The purpose is to harvest email addresses of people interested in the products you have to sell that will solve a problem they have. Are lists Niche specific? The simple and most obvious answer is yes. Each list should be specific to the type of industry and segment that will be interested in the particular solution you are offering. For example if you are offering easy to use web page design software then the industry is Internet Marketers and the segment is made up of all the people who are having difficulty creating web pages. Are list builders the same as Safelists or Solo Emails? No, not exactly; but you can use these venues to build a list. Safelists/Solo Ad services are a good way to go. The trick here though is not to waste your time and money with small time Safelists/Solo ad services. Look for Safelist/Solo Ads services with big and responsive membership lists. Bigger is better, but keep in mind that not all Safelists/Solo ad services are the same. There is one in particular that helps its members build many lists and has an OTO (One Time Offer) at sign-up to become a JV (Joint Venture) member that should really NOT be passed up. The benefits of a Joint Venture (JV) membership are huge. Are Safelists/Solo Ads the only way to build a list? Absolutely not, there are many different ways available. The most popular way is to use a combination of Safelists/Solo Ads services, Traffic Exchanges and Article writing :-). © Connie Casino, All rights reserved. Connie has been tip toeing her way through the dream and reality of owing a successful internet business. Many Gurus have come and gone over the past 2 years as did many of the guaranteed internet money making opportunities. After a small break, of about 4 months, Connie decided to pool all the little pieces of what she did learn and share it with others. You can see her simple website with recommend products at http://www.ccnetworks.biz/Recommends4/Recommends4.html Submitted on Feb 7, 2009 |