Home > ArticlesOverwhelming Your Online Marketing Efforts
I got an email from an online marketing friend the other day. She sent me 15 different links to things she had joined and asked me what I thought. Without clicking on any of them, I already knew what I thought. She was overwhelming herself. There was no way she could effectively promote that many programs at the same time. I had this same problem for a long time when I first started online marketing. I would sign up for ANOTHER program, get no results after a week, then just join the next thing, looking for a miracle I guess. What I learned was that by promoting so many things at once, you seriously dilute your efforts. By diluting your efforts, you don't get accurate results in ANY of the programs you promote. The end result is frustration. You get strung out. When you don't get the expected results, you just go join the next "big thing" promising easy money and overnight wealth. Yes, this is a cycle and is what I believe to be a big reason that an estimated 97% of online marketers fail. Something that I do a lot is that I am always thinking about my business. I ask myself questions like How can I improve? What can I do to make my website more appealing to my visitors? How can I make more money? Are there other ways to get better results with even less work? How can I build trust with my subscribers? Am I spending my time efficiently? Is this program building my contacts, income, etc? This has led me to trying a lot of different things and learning all along the way. What I try to do now is focus on getting the best results, from the least effort. This isn't nearly as easy to do as it is to say - I could write pages here about different little things I've learned all over the place, but I'll try to keep this a bit short :) The best advice I could give her was this - "So all this advertising and work your doing, you need to ask yourself - What is my GOAL here? Where do you want your traffic to go? What do you want them to do? What do you want it to do FOR YOU? You have to ask yourself questions. What are you doing? What are your real goals? Why do you like THIS program? What do you hope to achieve with this program? Do you think others will see the same value that you do? Is the effort your putting in building your email list? Is it earning income for you? Is it building any downlines for you? See everything that I do has a purpose. I focus my efforts into getting traffic to my website. At my website I have an opt in form to build my list. I added a YouTube video to my page - Even if people hate me, video gets a response. I put up a little Twitter link at the bottom. I got over 100 followers my first couple weeks. I have all of that set in place now, and all I have to do is get more traffic - The rest builds itself. That is what you need to do. Focus all your efforts and streamline your business as much as possible" I am now getting to the point where my business is more streamlined. I have a lot of stuff set up that works for me now, but it took me a long time to get here and I still have a long way to go. All along the way, what helped me the most was thinking about my business and asking myself questions like this. You have to focus on 1 thing at a time. Try to find the best ways to build your business and always be asking yourself questions. If you keep doing the same thing, you get the same results... Just ask yourself where you are heading - That should tell you where you need to focus your efforts. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I still don't know. There might be far too many questions in here for anyone to really keep track of, but the point is simply this. If you are asking yourself these kind of questions, you can only improve yourself and your online marketing. To YOUR Success, Paul I run http://www.AffiliateCurve.com © Paul Burnette, All rights reserved. Submitted on May 11, 2009 |