Home > ArticlesThe Shocking Truth! (is that there IS no shocking truth)
How many times have you seen the words, "The Shocking Truth" in your search for the home business that fits you best. How many have you read? I have read a few hundred, and I can make the statement that there really are no "shocking truths." Generally, it works like this. You are minding your own business, Googling away for things like, "best online business," "make money online," or "home based business." You see opportunity after opportunity, promising the most for the least. One catches your eye. Let's call it "This Works Great!" You do some further searches, and This Works Great is starting to look great also. Then, you see it. Right there, in the number one ppc slot on the right, you see the headline "The Shocking Truth About This Works Great." To make sure you don't jump into anything prematurely, you decide you had better find out what this shocking truth is. You click on the link, and here is what you find: "This Works Great" may work for some people, but it won't work for you. You need to look at "This Works Greater!" On and on it goes about This Works Greater. Nothing more is said about This Works Great. It turns out the shocking truth is that it may work for some people, but it won't for you. Wow, you think. You then start checking out This Works Greater, and (SHOCK!) there in the paid ads you see it again, except this time it says, "The Shocking Truth About This Works Greater! Another common tactic is the "Why I Didn't Join" approach. Basically, it will tell you that I didn't join them because I joined this other program, and you should, too. You can find "Why I Didn't Join" ads as quickly as you can the Shocking Truth ads. They do the same thing, which is to take your attention away from the company or opportunity you are looking at and point it in another direction. So, what is a good solution? Get your information about a company from somebody in the company. It obviously works for some people, so your question is not "doed is work?" but "will it work for me?" Just as important as finding what you DO want is figuring out what you DON'T want. Develop your own list of deal breakers, and stick to it. For instance, if you don't want to have home or hotel meetings, and that's the way this business is built, drop it and move on. If you want to be able to tell exactly what the business does on the front page of its website and it doesn't tell you, move on. I had thirteen deal breakers on my list. It took me years to find a company that finally passed all thirteen tests. And the shocking truth about it? It works as advertised. You can find it at www.ChristianBusinessMentors.com. © Jack Beddall, All rights reserved. www.ChristianBusinessMentors.com Submitted on 07/23/2008 |