Home > ArticlesSurf Responsibly — Don't Surf and Ignore
I want to mention something important to all traffic exchange surfers. I won't claim to be the first to address this but it is something that needs to be repeated from time to time. So here goes. Every traffic exchange, in order to work effectively, depends on each member's cooperative participation. This means that if you want and expect others to pay attention to your advertising, you owe them the same courtesy in return. You cannot simply surf and surf, ignoring everything you see, seeking only to gain traffic for yourself and expect others to behave differently. If you are the type of person who surfs and never pays attention to what you're viewing. who never signs up for or purchases anything. you are doing a disservice to other traffic exchange members, and I would argue, a disservice to yourself too. In fact, if I could positively identify them, I'd remove every person who is a member of RoyalSurf who does that. To gain the full benefit of using a traffic exchange, it is necessary to pay attention to and learn from what others are doing at a traffic exchange. You can improve your own results by paying attention to what others are advertising, how they are advertising, and what tools they are utilizing. You should be watching for what catches your eye. what grabs your attention. what tempts you to or actually gets you to join or purchase. Take ideas from the use of titles, colors, and wording and use these in ways to improve your own advertising. Please don't plagiarize the exact usage but use things to perfect and test new ideas of your own that can greatly improve the reaction you get to your own advertising. Try to be objective in your observations too. For instance, don't automatically discount something being used by someone else simply because you don't like it personally. A good example of this is audio. Often, traffic exchange members express that they don't like audio. Some even say they won't purchase or signup for anything that starts audio automatically. However, it's been proven time and time again, that simply adding an appropriate audio to a splash page or squeeze page, often greatly increases the conversion rate (number of sales or signups) of that page. If you know that fact, as an advertiser, would you worry more about the few people that won't like your advertisement because it has audio on it or the many more who will respond to it? Your answer had better be the later of the two or you might as well give up. And finally, watch for products and services that might help you improve your own results, or that might offer more opportunity than what you're promoting now. Don't be constantly jumping from one thing to another, but be watchful of trends and changes in the industry. Watch for things that might stimulate ideas of your own. And, be on the lookout for the better "mouse trap" - paying attention might help you pickup on when things are shifting or when a new idea is first being introduced. Sometimes, your timing and ability to recognize such things can make a significant difference to your financial success. Keep in mind that if you want to change your success online using traffic exchanges it begins with you. You have to stop being passive, just letting things happen to you. You need to take an active part in making your success happen. Just throwing a web page out there and driving traffic to it isn't going to do it. You need to learn how to get the most out of the traffic you drive to those pages. How to make those pages convert to signups or sales. You need to learn about list building. You need to track and perfect your results. There are many people who are successfully marketing on traffic exchanges. making six-figure incomes. are you? What income are you making? Are you making more than you're spending? How long have you been doing that? If you aren't making money and you've been at it for 6 months or more, perhaps it's time to start listening to those who are. I know it's clich? but it's also very true. its time to stop doing the same old thing you've always done and expecting a different result. Remember, opportunity may knock but it's not going to walk into your house, setup shop, establish customers for you, and deliver cash to your bank account all on its own. © Michael Kelly, All rights reserved. Article provided by Michael Kelly of RoyalSurf.com Submitted on Nov 14, 2008 |