Home > ArticlesTwitter Marketing Secrets - Six Steps to Success
Successful marketing for you online business involves keeping up with the latest trends. The optimum marketing tool that has got every-one buzzing is Twitter.There has been an explosion of use since Twitter began in 2006,and for this reason alone business would be foolish not to take up this method of communicating your product, service and brand. But why is Twitter unique? Traditionally business has used what we call outbound techniques.This is where the focus is going out and searching for customers, a broad band approach where the target is really hit or miss.Mediums such as Television, Radio, and Newspapers,Telemarketing or even Email blasts to a wide customer base are good examples. Not only are these methods inefficient but the marketing focus is trying to attract attention to potential customers in a hit or miss approach.The old methods have reduced successs because with modern applications people able to effectively block your efforts. For example with TV.. .Tevo and other digital applications effectively skip advertising, email spam blockers effectively disrupt delivery of advertisements of your product or service, and id recognition stops telemarketing dead in its tracks. Twitter is an inbound marketing technique in that rather the pursuing customers in broad based approach, customers are actively choosing to participate. Twitter is also suited to the busy pace of current modern-day living. Limiting messages to 140 characters reinforces this. One is forced to get straight to the point, excluding unnecessary padding to communicate. This efficient delivery method also has the added advantage of leaving a hook that attracts potential customers. The real benefit is that Twitter operates in real time. In other words the communication is instant. No more waiting for papers to be published and delivered and then hoping a potential customer reads your marketing material. Response is in real time so the effect of your communication is immediate. You will know virtually straight away if your marketing is working. This makes your marketing efficient both in money and time. There are six main components for successful Twitter Marketing. 1) Networking... Firstly build your network. The first step is to open a twitter account .I would recommend that you open both a business branding Twitter account as well as a personal one that is linked to your business brand. This reflects both a professional and more personal image to build successful relationships. To build your network you need to get a following. To do this you need to follow first. 2) Target: To target your following you can search on the twitter platform for people that fit your niche. For example if you are marketing dog kennels you can search for dog owners. Follow these and they in turn will most likely follow you. 3) Engage: It is essential to engage potential customers with a mix of polish and uniqueness. The business or corporate Twitter account should only communicate a business marketing approach. The personal accounts may be individual employee accounts or owner accounts that communicate personal messages. This is to engage customers and encourage them to get to know you. These personal accounts expose your individuality and uniqueness. Join in the discussion, make it personal - Don't just broadcast your brand. You need to make a personal connection with people. This will make them engage and commit to your conversation, both in real time and in the future. Don't just spam your brand, product or service. This is the quickest way to lose potential customers. 4) Give!..Build genuine trust and interest from people by giving free no strings attached information or even free products or software. The payoff will be more then worth it. This will establish trust. Trust establishes loyalty and loyalty will establish commitment to your brand, product or service. Not only initially but also encourage return custom and valuable referrals as followers share their enthusiasm with friends on Twitter. 5) Reveal your Uniqueness.The secrets of successful marketing in whatever form is to be unique - to stand out from the crowd. Tweeten up your Twitter page and reveal your uniqueness.using the default Twitter page application reflects a despondent attitude about your brand and a can't be bothered attitude. Change your Twitter template and personalize it with a photo. You can pay for this service or you can get FREE TWITTER TEMPLATES. 6) Monitor and Analyze your returning tweets. Make the most of positive return tweets from followers by making them favorites on your Twitter page. You can then expose these tweets to other followers to positively promote your brand, product or service. Give a reason for people to engage in conversation by helping. So remember these six steps to successful Twitter Business marketing. Network,Target,Engage,Give,Reveal and Analyze.Do this and you will reap the rewards in the form of positively building your brand and product image.This in turn will encourage an explosion of free targeted traffic to your website and increase sales for your product or service. © Pamela Greenaway, All rights reserved. Pamela Greenaway Australian Twitter Marketing Guru Advises simple straight forward Twitter Marketing strategies for Business. Get your FREE TWITTER TEMPLATES and TWITTER HELP. Submitted on Sep 27, 2009 |