Home > ArticlesWhat Is The Keys To Duplication?
Do you know what the key to duplication is for the network marketing professional? What is it that sets them apart from the majority of business people on-line? Everyone with a desire to become the expert network marketer and successful home business owner must find a viable answer to this question! Not just to prove them as a leader but to build strong and lasting relationships that will endure for many years. I have pondered this question many times over the years and talked with many expert network marketers and home based business builders in search of a good answer. They all say the same thing! They say the key to duplication is lead by example! I always seem to get that answer first and it comes from both the experts and the non-experts. The answer comes so quickly that it seems to be almost automated or quoted from some book. This answer seems to be truth in fact. Truth without forethought. Common knowledge! I must agree that leading by example is the key to duplication; however, there has to be more to it than that. To lead by example one must first have examples to lead by and that is what I seek. Guidelines or rules must be in place to follow and guide us in the right direction. So, lead by example but make sure your example follows the appropriate guidelines or rules of success that will produce the results you are looking for. Develop positive methods of duplication! A lack of skill here can make or break the home based business owner or the expert network marketer! Here are 7 guidelines to follow if you wish to achieve success with network marketing! 1. Increase your knowledge! Learn everything you can about your home based business, to include their training and marketing tools, so you can answer questions and teach others how to achieve success. If you duplicate here, your followers will also duplicate this business building technique and your whole organization will become stronger. Everyone will profit from the knowledge you pass along and they in turn will be able to teach others to duplicate in the same manner. 2. Build meaningful relationships! Treat the people in your followers as a friend. Relationship building is the key to building a strong and lasting business. Stay in close contact with them as you would a close friend. Offer to help them achieve their goals. Let them know your goal is to help them achieve success. Get to know everyone you can and treat them like you would like to be treated. 3. Always be positive! Never be negative when you are communicating with your followers whether it is face to face, by phone, by email, by newsletter or any other method of contact. Your followers will pick up on your attitude very quickly even in your emails and newsletters. Yes, even when you are not communicating in person. The personality of the leader will be duplicated throughout your business so you can see why it is so important to make sure you lead in a positive way. 4. Believe in company and in yourself! You must believe in your company, the product, and the service! If you do not believe in all these things, how can you expect others to believe and follow your lead? Knowledge of all these things will give you confidence and enforce your belief in the company. Knowledge and the confidence it will give you is what will attract people to you and put you in the leadership role of your organization. If you have learned all you can and find you do not have total belief in your company and all they have to offer, you may want to change to a company you can believe in and totally support. 5. Personal growth is important! Develop your skills daily to increase your knowledge in you field of expertise. There are numerous sources of books, e-books, CDs, company training materials, on-line materials, just to mention a few. Get information about building leadership skills, motivational materials, on-line information about advertising methods and marketing techniques, and any other materials you can think of that will help you build a successful and profitable business. 6. Put others first! You will soon discover that your business will grow much quicker if you concentrate on helping your followers achieve their goals rather than concentrating on yours. By making it a priority to help others first, you will gain the respect and loyalty every good leader and expert network marketer deserves and you will quickly discover that your goals will be achieved along the way. 7. Always edify! No matter what the circumstances are, always speak well of your company, the owners, the products and service, those you follow as well as those who have chosen to follow you. If you have problems with any aspect of the business, discuss it with your leaders and no one else. To talk bad about any of these things with your followers or other members in your business, will cost you in respect, followers and ultimately profits. Conclusion: The key to duplication is to lead by example and if you want to become the expert network marketer, you must first learn to lead using the right set of rules or guidelines. Dedicate your efforts to leading in a positive way. Your business personality will be duplicated by those who chose to follow you so make sure your style of leadership benefits your followers as well as yourself. Your goal should be to help your followers achieve success with their home based business or to become the expert network marketer they strive to become. Success will follow for all if you apply these keys of duplication and your goal is others first. It may happen over night but will probable happen a lot faster than you might expect. Lead by the example you want your followers to lead by and all will succeed. © June Giusto, All rights reserved. Submitted on Feb 16, 2009 |