Home > ArticlesSo exactly what is a safelist and how do you use it?
A safelist is an email list that you can join for free, and in return for joining, you are allowed to email out to the entire list of members of the safelist. The reason it is called "safe" is because all the subscribers are "opt in", which means they have chosen to give their email address. It is not, therefore, considered to be SPAM because any mail received would be deemed to be solicited. There are thousands of safelists on the internet. Many are free to join and many charge a fee. This fee can be a small lifetime fee, an annual fee, or a monthly fee to retain the privilege of sending emails to the rest of the members. Paying for a safelist doesn't necessarily mean they are better. There are many great free safelists out there. You will need 2 email accounts. I recommend Gmail. You need one for all the emails you will receive (list email) and one for the safelist owners to contact you (contact email). I bookmark my safelists in folders of 10 -15 each. I use Mozilla Firefox browser (free) so I can bring up the safelist folders in tabs. It is much easier to go tab to tab (I do this with my traffic exchanges too). I also save my ads in a document so I can copy and paste the ad into the safelist. This saves a lot of time. The most important part of emailing from a safelist is your SUBJECT LINE. You need it to be eye- catching so people will want more information (Hint: Never Cap Out your subject line- that is a spam trigger; you can use certain words like "FREE" if you handle it like "F.R.E.E" or a similar way) I believe safelists are a critical part of every marketers arsenal, and if you do not use safelists you are missing out on a huge and very cost effective form of advertising. I have a list of safelists and other valuable information at www.donnafilipiak.ws © Donna Filip, All rights reserved. Submitted on Feb 3, 2009 |