Home > ArticlesWhere do leads come from?
How are most leads online generated? People online seeking information, looking for work or researching will click unto sites and use signup forms to get what they need. Unbeknownst to many, their information - name, phone or e-mail - is often retrieved and sold. And had they known this at the time, they may have not signed up online. So what happens is that you - a novice marketer or even pros - buy leads from online companies believing you will get an instant downline. JUST because they promise you the MOON doesn't mean it is true. If it were, all the so called GURUS would have bought up all the lists long ago. What you are really buying is someone's information that may have not even signed up for a marketing opportunity. Having said that, there are companies that do generate true leads that are targeted specifically for home business, marketing or affiliation. But these leads usually are expensive and still are not guranteed. Don't believe it when you are sold a packet of 50,000 leads for $20 or that for only $8 a month you will get solid 5,000 leads. Now I suppose in the number game, even bad leads, if you get a few thousand will generate some good hits. But the Internet Gods are cracking down on spam and questionable marketing so why travel that road. Something else to keep in mind is that when you get that many names, you can't just upload them into an autoresponder. The list has to be in a CSV file or you will have to manually do it one at a time. Who has time to do that for 5,000 questionable listings? Recycling names - What some lead vendors do is take prospect names IP address time and date stamp - from the signup forms I mentioned - make slight changes to the information with an automated software program and changing the date. So be careful when purchasing leads. © Laura Dobbins , All rights reserved. Generate Free Leads: http://www.10yearsoftraffic.com/r/fearless74 Submitted on January 24, 2010 |