Home > ArticlesWhy Article Marketing is the Best Method To Raise SEO
There are three main reasons why article writing is the best method to raise search engine optimization for your site. First, you must remember that the search engines need writing to determine search engine optimization. Video is important but at the moment and in the near future writing is the primary method by which search engines determine SEO. This, of course, is debatable, but in defense of that position consider Google's drastic change in July or August of 2008 when it excluded to a great extent reciprocal linking from raising SEO to your website. Many websites plummeted in Page Rank from three to zero right after that Google formula change. I had been relying mostly on link exchanges and they served me well for a couple of years. This is not the case anymore. Google demands content with a certain percentage of keywords on each page. Second, one-way links are highly valued by search engines now but even more so with content provided with them. This is the case because a search engine is searching for the most relevant information that pertains to each search so you need to provide the content. Third, when you provide content you are providing something for free that you create yourself. This, although it seems obvious to everyone, s often overlooked in understanding search engine optimization, organic searches and making money on the internet. There is no greater secret on the internet that is so obvious and which is so overlooked because it is so obvious and that is if you write the content, other people will be attracted to you and your website and you will gain a downline without spending money. The opposite of this is what almost 98% of internet marketers and internet users do and that is to subscribe to others email lists, waste their time reading someone else's email and then occasionally buying someone else's product. I have bought so many eBooks that I realize their is virtually very little I do not know and the wealth is in my own mind! I am perennially disappointed and find that the ones with the most hype have the least originality to offer. The way you can get to that same evaluation is to understand that if you were to buy an article that was ghost written you would pay $15 for an article that was approximately 500 words. So if you were to write that article yourself, you would be making approximately $.03 a word or $3.00 for every 100 words. Use these thoughts to motivate yourself and try to calculate how much you could make in an hour doing this. The beauty of this idea is that you will not be making $15 an hour doing this once you start distributing your article and it is syndicating to other article directories and blog networks. You may be making 5 x $15 per hour and then 15 x $15 per hour. And just think,if you had read your email and then bought something, you would be loosing money you might never replace. How can you capitalize on this observation?