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Everybody comes online looking to 'make money and start to work full time from home'. This is the dream of so many people in this business and rightfully so, I mean the greatest feeling in the world is getting up and developing your business and your brand. I think of nothing more rewarding that owning your own business, it really is a wonderful thing. How long does it take? What is that magic number? Days, weeks, months or is it years? I'll give you my opinion on it, it's the latter. Yes, forget all those 'get rich quick' schemes you have read about. All those doublers and randomizers that promised you that you could sit back and let the money come rolling in. They do not exist. Here's the truth, it takes an investment of a few years to get these things going. Let me say it again, you will NOT get rich from surfing a hit exchange and you probably won't be making a decent income off them for at least 6 months. Why? Simple, you should be trying and are in the process of building a 'business'. Go offline, try to start a business and the turn around 'number' seems to be between 3 to 5 years, before a new business takes shape and starts earning the owner a profit. Yes, the internet can cut this down but not in the amount of time most 'hype machine' programs promise. That being said, you have to develop your business and your name online. If you have been surfing a hit exchange for a month, and see no results, try a new splash page, switch up your surfing schedule but never give up. That's the easy road and the way to pin blame on someone or something else. The fact is, this business needs to be constantly attended to and grown into something solid. Yeah, I'll say it. You need to keep surfing! You need to keep that upgraded membership. You need to pay your membership dues! You need to invest your time! You need to invest money! You need to stay in front of people's face! You need to stay focused! This is what has worked for me, nothing more and nothing less. I have only been working 'full time' online for only about 12 months in my 6 year career. So for those first 4-5 years I worked my tail off, and did the grunt work. It was not easy and it took a lot of time but you know what, looking back it was worth the investment. The investment in myself and my dreams. Keep going, and don't stop promoting yourself! Copyright 2004-2005 - Article provided by Jon Olson of HitExchange101.com Submitted on 08/18/2005 |