Home > ArticlesIs 'YOUR' Up-line Really Worth 'YOUR' Time???
I am Glen Persson, and I have been on-line many years...just google my name for proof. If you have signed up for a program that has an up-line involved...there is a few major things you really need to figure out before continuing under that person. 1. Are they worth...'YOUR TIME'? First of all, if they have ANY concern in you succeeding they will do several things within a matter of 3 days after you signed up. (unless they already know you and you them) Things like contact you through your email , phone or any other forms of communication you listed in the contact form. Many up-lines figure that just because they are in the top spot of a company Matrix for instance...that they don't have to help their down-lines...hence the down-line gets discouraged and runs away. It is imperative that your up-line communicates with you...and asks NOT what you can do for them (I have seen this) but what THEY can do for you! Have you ever seen an up-line contact you and rush you into this and that or goad you to pay for this and that BEFORE they explain how THEY are going to help YOU get a return on your investment(s) ??? I HAVE! And it sucks...it's cheap and it's greed. And THAT is an example of a LAZY up-line who tries to get all down-lines to pay into something BEFORE coming up with a plan, a structure to safeguard their team...and help them to succeed. 2. Are they always... 'SELLING TO YOU'? How many times have you seen an up-line try to sell you MORE stuff when you haven't even figured out how you are going to work the FIRST program? Look at it this way...'EVERY SINGLE EMAIL OR CONTACT' your up-line has with you that is 'NOT' about the original program you are supposed to be working....has just caused you time...is it worth it? 3. Is your up-line a 'KNOWLEDGED TEAM LEADER' or someone else like you that is trying to make a buck also? The 'blind shouldn't lead the blind' and that is 'NOT' a statement about 'BLIND' sighted people...it is about your up-line not knowing what they are doing, yet telling you to join and pay a fee under them! Do 'THEY' know what they are doing? Are they showing any 'LEADERSHIP' qualities? Have you seen any blogs, forums or any type of publicity stunts they are pulling for 'YOU' their team member? Do they answer your support questions and concerns in a timely matter? If they are willing to back a program...and not 'HIDE' in a program, will they give you 'THEIR' phone number? Does the company 'THEY' represent have full contact such as mentioned above 'INCLUDING' but not limited to...an actual physical street address 'NOT' a postal 'BOX'? In closing, if 'YOUR' up-line cares 'ANYTHING' about you...they will have 'EVERYTHING' mentioned above and much more. Up-lines and Down-lines are like giant 'Step Families' ...one links to the other, and if one falls...everyone should step in and help. Have a 'LAZY' up-line? Treat it like you'd treat a lazy mooch...GET RID OF IT! Blessings, Glen © Glen Persson, All rights reserved. www.GlenPersson.com Submitted on May 16, 2009 |